I am totally honored to be included in Art Rooney, Jr's new 125 page publication,…

I wanted to post a photo of the framed piece of “:09 Seconds Remaining” that I did for Brett Keisel. What a great job my friend did on the framing! If you look closely, you will see that she mounted one of my brushes that I used to paint his portrait with. The brush has a splash of “Steeler Gold” on the tip. Brett loved it! On to Pittsburgh to deliver the painting to Brett and go to the Steelers/Titans game on October 9th.
In the owner’s booth with the Rooneys at the Steelers/Titans game on October 9th! Good times for all! Did I say, the Steelers won?
Steeler owner, Art Rooney, Jr and I discussing football at the Steeler/Titans game on October 9th. What an honor to sit in this great man’s presence! Mr. Rooney said it looks like we are getting ready to send in the next play!
Art Rooney, Jr. and I signing Brett Keisel prints. I donated one of these prints to the Steelers for their next upcoming charity event.